Sunday, February 12, 2012

Runaway Coffee Shop

I started a new short story in creative writing last week, and I decided to call it Runaway Coffee Shop.

I'm not sure what it's going to be about yet, but for now it's about a girl named Rosalia who runs away from her small town because she's fed up with her old life. She ends up in a big city at a small coffee shop at the edge of town.

This is what Rosalia looks like:

Here is a small sample so far:

Maybe running away wasn't the best idea...

I sat in the corner of a small coffee shop, making sure I was out of sight from everyone around me. I took a small sip of the warm coffee, the taste of vanilla and sugar on my lips.

I thought it was a good idea at the time.

I rested my elbows on the table, my head in my hands. With a sigh, I sat up, looking out the window at the unfamiliar town. Children and their parents walked down the street, heading home after a long day of work and school. Just another Monday afternoon.

I left a note, telling them they would never find me.

I took another sip of the coffee, wanting to finish it before it got cold. But finishing the coffee meant leaving the warm coffee shop.

Even if I knew they wouldn't even bother to look for me.

This place had a bubbly, calm atmosphere. For being in such a big city, it was unusually small and empty. Only a couple other customers sat at the tables, either with friends or doing work on a laptop or phone.

Eventually, I had just gotten so fed up, I couldn't stand being there any longer.

Like it? Check it out on my wattpad:

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